Tutup Bagasse 80mm Pikeun Cangkir Kopi 8-20 oz, Tutup Cangkir Kertas Disposable, Spout Ditinggikeun, Minuman Panas/Tiis-Idéal pikeun Panyegeran Cai, Pesta, atanapi Kopi Dina Perjalanan

Katerangan pondok:

  • Item No:CL80-2
  • ukuran:82 * 18 mm
  • beurat:4,5g
  • warna:Bleached jeung unbleached
  • Ukuran karton:45 * 30 * 36,5 cm
  • Bungkusan:20 * 50 PCS
  • Pamakéan:Hotél, Réstoran, Imah
  • OEM sareng ODM:Narima
    • 80mm Bagasse Lids For 8-20 oz Coffee Cups, Disposable Paper Cup Lids, Elevated Spout, Hot/Cold Beverage Drinking-Ideal for Water Coolers, Party, or Coffee On the Go
    • 80mm Bagasse Lids For 8-20 oz Coffee Cups, Disposable Paper Cup Lids, Elevated Spout, Hot/Cold Beverage Drinking-Ideal for Water Coolers, Party, or Coffee On the Go
    • 80mm Bagasse Lids For 8-20 oz Coffee Cups, Disposable Paper Cup Lids, Elevated Spout, Hot/Cold Beverage Drinking-Ideal for Water Coolers, Party, or Coffee On the Go
    • 80mm Bagasse Lids For 8-20 oz Coffee Cups, Disposable Paper Cup Lids, Elevated Spout, Hot/Cold Beverage Drinking-Ideal for Water Coolers, Party, or Coffee On the Go
    • 80mm Bagasse Lids For 8-20 oz Coffee Cups, Disposable Paper Cup Lids, Elevated Spout, Hot/Cold Beverage Drinking-Ideal for Water Coolers, Party, or Coffee On the Go
    • 80mm Bagasse Lids For 8-20 oz Coffee Cups, Disposable Paper Cup Lids, Elevated Spout, Hot/Cold Beverage Drinking-Ideal for Water Coolers, Party, or Coffee On the Go

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    Ngeunaan item ieu

    • COCOK sababaraha ukuran:

    Koordinat kumpulan cangkir kopi kertas 8-, 12-, 16-, jeung 20-ounce.


    Dijieunna tina bagasse, serat tebu anu didamel deui sacara alami, kompos sareng biodegradable pikeun cara anu lestari pikeun ngalayanan inuman panas.


    Tutup kopi ieu ngagaduhan spout luhur anu ngamungkinkeun anjeun nyerep inuman panas atanapi tiis kalayan gampang.Tambih Deui, tutup luhur ieu ngabantosan ngirangan tumpahan nalika ngangkut kopi.

    • Ningkatkeun pangalaman nginum anjeun:

    Kalawan liang ventilated leutik, lids ieu pikeun cangkir panas ngaronjatkeun aliran hawa tina inuman pikeun nyadiakeun Anjeun sareng sips konsistén lemes jeung gampang.Ngarasakeun unggal sip!

    Bagasse cup lid Bagasse cup lid Bagasse cup lid Bagasse cup lid Bagasse cup lid Bagasse cup lid

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